Time never seems to stop, does it?
This pandemic shook everyone’s life and triggered deep emotions to surface from feeling helpless and vulnerable to being buoyant and adapting to the ‘New Normal’.
But well, where did these feelings vanish? Has anyone spoken about them? Oh no, let me guess everyone is too scared to feel and acknowledge these tiny emotions because it will strip them of their facades/exteriors. Do you think you can face your feelings and outgrow them?
My journey started with recording my feelings and emotions every day. It was exhausting, because I wasn’t used to so much self-investigation. I maintained a log for every hour and continued doing it for a week and BOOM! So many emotions and feelings, I was overwhelmed by the patterns I saw and the understanding I got from this. I journaled what and why I felt a certain way.
Illustrating and drawing my emotions helped me explore and experiment my way of expression.
What did this give me ?
My Recordings︎︎︎